Why do you need a secretary?

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Beiträge: 19

Registriert: Mo 15. Jun 2020, 14:04

Beitrag Sa 8. Mai 2021, 06:06

Why do you need a secretary?

A good and professional secretary is a universal assistant to any manager. It is he who is able to keep important visitors in the reception area while the boss is at a meeting, protect the boss's office with his chest if he asked not to let anyone in, make the most delicious coffee and even remind about the birthday of the unloved mother-in-law if the boss forgets about it.

However, many managers underestimate the assistance that their secretaries can provide, reducing it to the performance of basic service functions. Thus, the European Association of Professional Secretaries, as the main role of such a specialist, defines his duty to know the essence of the activities of his manager, to ensure its maximum productivity and to be able to take most of the work of the boss on himself.

You need to understand that the secretary is not just a service staff who prepares coffee and answers phone calls. The secretary is, first of all, one of the main figures in the environment of the manager, on the proper work of which the effectiveness of the work of the boss and the organization as a whole directly depends. By appreciating the functionality of this position, the manager will be able to optimize his work as much as possible, freeing himself from many routine operations and organizational functions. Of course, the low level of business qualifications and lack of confidence in the capabilities of the secretary will not allow him to perform complex tasks, however, this is a consequence of non-compliance with the necessary criteria for the selection of specialists, which we will discuss later.


Beiträge: 21

Registriert: Mo 15. Jun 2020, 09:58

Beitrag Sa 8. Mai 2021, 14:12

Re: Why do you need a secretary?

For companies from Singapore, it is a prerequisite to have a company secretary singapore on staff, so for competent service of business issues, it is best to use an experienced specialist from Osome. This allows you to much improve the coordination of the entire document flow, and therefore I advise you to contact them.

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