Beitrag Do 24. Jun 2021, 11:10

[World's largest] France unveils a road made of solar panels


It can be เกม slot said that this is the year that renewable energy news has been seen continuously, showing that many parties are starting to realize and see how useful renewable energy can be. It has begun to be applied to traffic or even public facilities by the latest villages. The Tourouvre-au-Perche in Normandy, France, has unveiled a solar cell road approximately one kilometer long to power the street lights.

This project is to pave the way for testing. If successful, it will be built to be longer than before. to generate electricity for the village in the future For the solar road, the investment is about 5.2 million USD. The road surface is coated with silicon and resin. to withstand the pressure of small and large wheels The government also aims to build more solar panel roads in the future, targeting highway roads first.

However, there is still a problem that making solar panels in this manner will be less efficient than roofing and are also more expensive. Therefore, we must find a better cost-cutting method if it is widely adopted.