Beiträge: 73
Registriert: Sa 9. Jan 2021, 12:08
"Second-class citizens" must accept things! If thinking...

The saying, "There is no place as happy as our home" or There's No Place Like Home often comes out of the mouth of people who have to live in different houses and other cities for a long time.
But at the same time We often hear many people saying that we would rather live in a foreign country than in Thailand. Because there are many things that are offensive Frustrating
Post : true wallet slot
However, I must admit that traveling abroad only for a while. With staying in a foreign country permanently Are completely different
Status of "tourist" when bringing money into the country
Although some are measured by the experience of visiting a foreign country for a short period of time during vacation Go on vacation with family, friends, but do not forget that the various places that we choose to go to It is often a tourist destination that the local residents are willing to visit by foreigners. Different languages already Because it is considered a tourist who brings money into their own country
When traveling to various tourist destinations, the owner of the country is very welcoming as a visitor. So we can see that people are friendly and smile, even if it is a country with good environment. Makes me feel that I want to move and settle in that country permanently
Japan, the top dream country for Thai people
When talking about the country that Thai people like to travel when they have a long vacation in our country, we often have the name of "Japan" is the top spot every time because it is a country that can travel easily. Visa not required And takes only a few hours
In addition, it is also a country that is advanced in terms of economy and technology, beautiful tourist attractions. The people are friendly, cute, warm. Therefore, we often hear that everyone wants to live here.
But did you know that Japan The world's top progressive countries also ranks very high on suicide. According to the latest statistics released, the number of suicides in October was even higher than the total deaths from COVID-19.
In addition to social isolation The pressures of work, schools, and bullying and the COVID-19 epidemic are also causing people to lose their jobs and pay cuts. As a result, many people decide to end their lives by suicide.
“Second Class Citizen” status when in residence.
If anyone thinks that moving to a foreign country will make life better, have money, have a good environment, perhaps they may have to keep some. Because the things that are drawn in your dreams are often not as beautiful as you think. When we change the status from "Tourists" to "residents" in that country, which is similar to "insiders want to leave, outsiders want to enter" that is.
From being the one who brought money to spend in the country To generate income for the country owner Became the need to change the status to stay in a foreign country To make a living and raise a family
Many Thai people who went abroad (In the event that the family does not already have money and wealth), therefore must accept the status quo "Second Class Citizen" reluctantly
But still many people still choose to settle down to make a living abroad For your own stomach Because at least the income that comes in is considered more than staying in Thailand Even though I cannot deny that happiness The heartwarming is not comparable to living in Thailand, hometown!