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Experts say COVID-19 may be tested by performing a "CT scan"
One of the key problems Of dealing with the COVID-19 epidemic Nowadays It is a สล็อต วอเลท screening test for someone who has COVID-19, usually we use a method to detect infection in the lining of the throat or nasal cavity. To find out if they have COVID-19, but this method is costly. There may be a problem if a large number of people are needed to be examined, but recently some experts believe that we may be able to detect COVID 19 with CT scans as well.
What is CT Scan?
Computed tomography Also known as CT scan (computerized tomography scan: CT scan) is a scan of the body. With the use of computer tomography To find abnormalities of the body in the desired location By scanning, X-rays are used to pass the surrounding organs and then use a detector to measure the amount of radiation that passes through the patient. The result is a 3-D X-ray image. CT scans are finer than conventional X-rays. Because it can show the structure And abnormalities of organs clearly And able to make accurate diagnosis
Check for COVID 19 with CT scan, can it really be done?
We have used CT scans in the lungs. To diagnose abnormalities that occur with the lungs, such as pneumonia (pneumonia) for a long time. And the most common symptoms And the most severe symptoms of COVID-19 That is, pneumonia. Therefore, experts believe Using CT scan in the chest area To check for symptoms of pneumonia Can help diagnose whether the patient has COVID-19 or not
There are several studies in China. Has supported this idea very much One study published in the journal Radiology found that the percentage of positive results in COVID-19 testing was 97–98%. Only 1-2% of people with COVID-19 have normal CT scans.
COVID-19 detection With the method of doing the CT scan It is suitable for the detection of COVID-19 virus. During the first phase By performing CT scans in the chest area To check for abnormalities and symptoms of COVID-19, such as pain and inflammation. This method is more accurate than X-ray examination. And faster than virus detection by taking tissue samples And when the results are perceived quickly Will be able to cope with the symptoms And control the disease more quickly
The method is recommended by experts from China. Due to the speed in checking the results And make it possible to increase the quality of detention And adjust the public health standards quickly
However Although the detection method of the COVID-19 virus With that CT scan method It will be popular with professionals in China. Due to the speed in knowing the results However The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) oppose the use of CT scans to detect COVID-19 infection by: Said that this method of detection will have a high rate of error detection And there was almost no change in the handling of individual patients.
Although there is research showing that CT scan to detect COVID-19 That is effective as well But it is still a question of the sample used in the research. That is still not clear And may tend to focus on patients with severe symptoms Without conducting a survey of COVID-19 patients Mild Or no symptoms at all
Thus making this research low credibility. In addition, the term in this research was used as an abnormal CT scan result, not a positive test result. Therefore unable to conclude that Will a patient with pulmonary disorders develop COVID-19 because they may have other lung diseases? Without any connection with COVID-19
So it can be concluded that Detection of COVID-19 The CT scan often gives a false positive result. At a relatively high rate No accuracy This makes it inappropriate for use in the detection of COVID-19.