Beitrag Fr 8. Jan 2021, 09:32

“Vitamin” is not “medicine”, a similarity that misleads many


The human body contains various substances in the body such as proteins, sugars, vitamins and minerals. Getting enough “vitamins” to meet the body's needs is essential. Because vitamins can help nourish and restore health Without affecting the function of the liver and kidneys, unlike the "drug", which if used continuously. It can have negative effects on the liver and kidneys. This article There are interesting information about vitamins and drugs from the team of bio-farm pharmacists come together.
The difference of "vitamin" and "drug"
Many people may misunderstand that drugs and vitamins are necessary for the body as well. But in reality, medicine is something that the body does not have. The body is unable to produce drugs on their own, so they are not necessary in a normal state of the body. Pain relief Which the drug has a fast action Can suppress symptoms different from taking supplements that will help nourish and restore the body. SUPERWALLET
Correct dosing principles
When we have taken the medicine until we get better Must stop taking the drug If recovered and continued taking medications may have a negative impact on health. Because most drugs are made from chemicals If used regularly and more than necessary After all, a buildup may occur in the body. And can adversely affect the liver and kidneys