How important is social media to people?

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Beiträge: 251

Registriert: Do 10. Dez 2020, 11:44

Beitrag Do 4. Feb 2021, 05:17

How important is social media to people?


When mobile phones become the fifth factor of most people. According to a survey from the website exclusively in Thailand, the number of mobile users to access the Internet in 2020 was 52.71 million, and it is expected that in 2025 there will be internet users via mobile to Social media access grew to 61.76 million people.

It also found that the reasons people like to like, comment and share stories. Are linked to psychology When developers, Rameet Chawla, have written a program to like every other Instagram (IG) post that shows up in his feed. And met with many unexpected results super slot

After 3 months, it appears that he has more than 30 followers or followers per day, a total of more than 2,700 people. Ask him to continue to like. While some invited him to a party And someone sent messages telling him to post more. Will have to press some likes in return

Nowadays, liking, commenting, or sharing messages in the social world is of psychologically important importance. And people in society value When every expression on social media can reach people's feelings And makes us feel addicted I want to see more likes, shares, or comments. And I get worried every time when the photo or message I posted doesn't get attention.

Brain chemicals Social factor
Do you know that behaviors that make us addicted to social media? It is the result of brain chemicals "dopamine" and "oxytocin", both of which are hormones secreted by the brain. And affect the behavior of our expression without knowing


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Registriert: Sa 31. Okt 2020, 03:52

Beitrag So 1. Aug 2021, 20:24

Re: How important is social media to people?


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