https://www.flickr.com/groups/3572566@N ... 849750390/
https://www.flickr.com/groups/3600587@N ... 090927544/
The installer for NE 2.2 is not done yet, but the files are already available in a rar archive.
http://www.mothershideaway.com/forums1/ ... t842121128
http://www.makkara.info/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 1&t=950831
Download VLC media player 2.2.6 portable 64-bit [28.3MB] [Win64] [Portable]. I installed these 64 bit codecs and now all is good in Sibelius 7 64 bit, plays .mov files just fine The 64 bit version of Windows Media Player plays .mov video files just fine on my.
https://www.flickr.com/groups/3600587@N ... 090927544/
The installer for NE 2.2 is not done yet, but the files are already available in a rar archive.
http://www.mothershideaway.com/forums1/ ... t842121128
http://www.makkara.info/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 1&t=950831
Download VLC media player 2.2.6 portable 64-bit [28.3MB] [Win64] [Portable]. I installed these 64 bit codecs and now all is good in Sibelius 7 64 bit, plays .mov files just fine The 64 bit version of Windows Media Player plays .mov video files just fine on my.