what does 1010 mean spiritually

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Beiträge: 22

Registriert: Mi 18. Aug 2021, 08:13

Beitrag Mi 20. Okt 2021, 12:54

what does 1010 mean spiritually

The number 1010 is something many people often see in their day-to-day lives. Maybe you look at the clock every night and 10:10 PM is the time, or maybe you drive down the highway and spot the number on someone's license plate.

The number 10 carries a special meaning of the end of a cycle or time in your life. Think of this experience as the ending of a chapter in your own story. If you have been seeing angel number 1010 more than usual, it may be that your angel is trying to tell you to brace yourself for the change that is about to happen.


Beiträge: 3

Registriert: Mi 4. Jan 2023, 15:43

Beitrag Mi 4. Jan 2023, 15:49

angel number 404 is more powerful than 1010!

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