Beitrag Fr 16. Jul 2021, 07:28

7 ways to exercise to reduce belly If you want to have


1. Belly dance
Belly dancing is one of the most effective forms of exercise that helps burn belly fat. It also helps to make the muscles in the abdomen flat and beautiful as

2. Run
Whether it's running, jogging or walking exercise. All are exercise methods that can help reduce belly. Because exercising in these ways helps burn excess fat in the body as well. Plus, there's no need for messy accessories.

3. Cycling
Of course, cycling can help reduce women's belly because it can help burn about 250-500 calories in just 30 minutes. It is recommended to blend it often. certify that the abdomen is definitely fit

4. jump rope
Skipping rope in just 10 minutes can burn up to 135 calories. So who has a lot of fat piled up on the belly? You can start getting rid of it by jumping rope. Ensure that the results are clear

5. Yoga
Although yoga is not a strenuous exercise. But let me tell you that it is a method of exercise that not only relaxes the body but also relaxes the body. because it also helps to strengthen the muscles It also helps to arrange the muscles to be beautiful as well. Seeing this, I would say that yoga will not help reduce the belly, probably not anyway.

6. Plank exercise
Plank exercises It is a form of exercise that helps both reduce the belly and has a beneficial effect on all parts of the body, especially for building muscle strength. and helping to dissolve fat around the abdomen until it collapses effectively

7. Do crunch exercises.
Crunch exercises are the most effective exercises that help reduce belly fat. Because the exercises in this form are similar to sit-ups. In addition to helping to have a flat stomach. It also helps the abdominal muscles fit as well.