Beitrag Do 4. Feb 2021, 10:41

Did you know that "sleeping on your side" has more health be


Anyone who has their own sleeping position When to sleep สล็อต ฝาก ถอน true wallet It is definitely going to be asleep. Many people like to say that the supine position is the best. Because it is considered a natural sleeping position But did you know that the side position may be beneficial for the body? More than many people think

Even if you say that you are lying on your side, you actually have three other basic moves:

Curled up like a baby Is to lie down and curl up Put your knees up against your chest And hold your knees Similar to the sleeping position of the fetus

Lie on your side, open on your side Is to lie on your side with your legs straightened And extend his arms to the front As though they were about to reach out to others

Lie on your side like a log. Is to lie on your side with your legs straightened And release arms attached to the body straight on both sides
However, these poses are just basic, non-fixed positions. Some people may sleep in alternating positions, or others may have more poses, but no matter what position you sleep on your side, there are health benefits.

Great health benefits gained from lying position
Help relieve back pain
The side position is the most useful position on our back. People with chronic back pain May feel better when sleeping on your side Especially the left Because sleeping on your side will help us reduce the pressure on our spine. Make you feel more comfortable And increase the chances of getting a good night's sleep as well

Help in the digestive system
Sleeping on the left side allows us to rely on gravity. In making it easier for the colon to transport food waste and waste through the intestines to the rectum This allows you to excrete more easily when you wake up. In addition, sleeping on your left side will cause your stomach and pancreas to hang naturally. Not being subjected to pressure from other organs Making it possible to produce gastric juice and fully digest food

Reduce heartburn
One study published in The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology found that sleeping on the left side It can help reduce the symptoms of GERD. Due to lying on the left side Will make the stomach and acid below the esophagus while sleeping Causing the acid to not flow backward But at the same time Sleeping on the right side can also exacerbate GERD symptoms.

Reduce snoring or symptoms of sleep apnea.
Sleeping on your side prevents your tongue from going down your throat and closing part of your airway. Makes it possible to help prevent the occurrence of snoring. And help reduce the chance of developing sleep apnea (Sleep apnea)

Good for heart
Doctors have recommended sleeping on your left side, as this increases blood flow to the heart. And helps reduce the pressure of blood pumping to the heart This is because gravity helps to transport blood to the heart. However At present, it is still argued about which type of sleeping on the right side or on the left is better.

Suitable for pregnant women
Sleeping on your side not only helps with blood circulation. It is also a suitable sleeping position for pregnant women. Especially in the pregnancy during the last trimester Because the fetus is large. Lying on your side This will help the fetus not to lose weight on the mother. Help relieve pressure on the back. Bladder and liver, and it also increases blood flow to the uterus, kidneys and fetus.

The disadvantages of sleeping on your side
Although sleeping on your side has many benefits. But it's not always suitable for everyone. Sleeping on your side may have the following disadvantages:

Shoulder pain
By lying on your side, your weight is placed on your sides, especially your shoulders, causing pain. If lying on the same side for a long time

Jaw pain
If you have a tight jaw Sleeping on your side can increase pressure on the jaw while sleeping. Causing pain in the jaw when waking up

Increased pressure on the heart
Lying on your side can put the weight of the lungs down on your heart. Causing an impact on the work of the heart And may increase the risk of heart failure

Techniques for sleeping on your side to be comfortable
Sleeping on your side for a long time May cause discomfort But preparing the mattress properly Will allow us to sleep on the side comfortably Asymptomatic

Prepare a pillow, choose a pillow that fits the structure of your collarbone.

Put a pillow between your knees. Find a pillow between both knees. To help support the lower back

Opt for a hard pillow Or a pillow that is not too soft In order not to collapse the pillow and neck pillow

Hugging bolster allows us to rest our arms on the pillow. Makes us not feel tired