Beitrag Mo 11. Jan 2021, 12:08

The cause of "eat immediately and take immediately" may risk


Have you ever wondered that… some people shortly after slotxo eating. Then have symptoms of wanting to have a bowel movement immediately Or some people will excrete too easily What is the cause? And the risk of getting any disease or not Today we have the answer.

For those who eat immediately This can occur with food sensitivity such as vinegar, coffee, spicy foods, or certain fruits. Which may vary from patient to patient When the food reaches the stomach It will stimulate the nerve current running straight to the colon. Causing abdominal pain and an urge to urinate immediately

It is also at risk of irritable bowel syndrome. The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are abdominal discomfort, abdominal distention, bloating, and a lot of gas Abdominal pain after eating And symptoms will improve after urination, constipation, diarrhea, constipation alternating with diarrhea. Hard or softer stools Not the most feces The stool contains clear or white mucus. Not holding the stool Or may experience other symptoms as well, such as exhaustion, pain after incontinence Or may feel pain in the genitals while having sex in a female patient, etc.

Irritable bowel syndrome can be caused by a number of reasons. Both disorders of the digestive system Or from external factors such as gastrointestinal infections Bacterial type disorders Or the amount of bacteria in the digestive tract And may be caused by eating large amounts of certain foods Can cause bowel irritations Including stressful conditions may be another factor That provokes more irritable bowel syndrome.

Basic care Avoid foods that trigger symptoms. Which may vary from person to person Oily foods such as duck skins, chicken skins, milk, cream, butter and milk should be avoided in large quantities. And mix up many food groups to avoid eating large amounts of food Because it will easily provoke abdominal pain and diarrhea

Foods with pulp or fiber will help keep the intestines in good shape. The residue or fibers also help absorb water in the feces. Making stools less hard and easier to pass But should eat little by little, but eat more often Should refrain from drinking any type of alcohol, coffee, pickles, soft drinks and certain drugs. Which will increase symptoms as well Stress is one of the factors that stimulate the contraction of the intestines to increase. Therefore should relax and make the mind comfortable Get enough rest for the whole body Which is considered an important part in the care of patients with this disease

In treatment, this can be done by relieving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. So that the patient can live as normal as possible In patients with mild symptoms It can be treated by addressing the factors that cause the disease such as stress, diet, lifestyle, and patients with severe symptoms may need medication. And recommend that you consult a doctor This is because irritable bowel syndrome can be an initial symptom. Found in many serious diseases such as chronic enteritis Gastrointestinal cancer Which doctors will consider further investigation According to the next indication

6 Possible Reasons Why You Get Taken More Of Than Normal
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Viral or bacterial infection Can make you defecate more than usual And cause diarrhea

Exercise more Exercise increases the compression of the muscles in the colon. This is why doctors often recommend that people with constipation exercise more.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a very common disease. The patient will feel pain in the stomach, gas, abdominal pain, cramping and may have frequent bowel movements. Most patients will feel pain in the abdomen immediately. And abdominal pain, contractions with constipation or diarrhea

Stress affects certain systems in the body. Which some people find that stress Is the culprit that makes taking more photos In addition, many people found that Myself defecation more liquid when stressed.

Near menstruation Many women who were close to menstruation found that I have taken a shot or taken more often than usual. Which is normal Because it is caused by the fluctuation of hormones during the menstrual cycle itself