Beitrag So 24. Jan 2021, 10:11

3 risk behavior "Osteoarthritis" or not?


At the time when all parties still need to be careful of the theslotcoronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 (COVID-19) not to return, the epidemic 2 is essential for the elderly. Which is one of the risk groups for being easily infected Should stay home as much as possible And when you are at home for a long time, other diseases such as “osteoarthritis” may be visited. We have good information About factors and risk behaviors that can cause osteoarthritis And the best practices for a strong knee joint

People at risk of "osteoarthritis"
People over 50 as they get older. The ability to produce collagen and lubricate the joints in the body is decreasing, causing the knee to dehydrate, which helps to reduce the impact between bones. When the bones rub against each other very directly It is the cause of osteoarthritis and ultimately pain.

People with arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, these people are more likely to experience joint pain easily. When the joint inflammation is persistent or persistent. It may result in osteoarthritis as well, so if these diseases should consult a doctor for treatment. To reduce the risk of chronic pain “Osteoarthritis” is not only a health problem for the elderly. Young people can also get this disease. If there is a risky lifestyle habit, such as excessive body weight Exercising that uses impact or having arthritis

Risk behavior for osteoarthritis
People who are overweight This will cause your legs to support too much weight. Resulting in more pressure on the knee joint than normal Especially those with large fat content And having less muscle mass will increase the burden of weight. Causing friction of the bone around the knee joint more than normal It can cause osteoarthritis and knee pain.

People who perform heavy impact exercises, running, and lifting weights can put more pressure on the joints than usual. Especially those who are overweight Choose light exercises first, not sprinting. Because it can put too much pressure on the knee joint and can cause pain in the knee joint if done regularly. Should use devices that help support the knee joint. And exercise, but keep fit Do not overdo it.

Squat behavior Kneeling for a long time Can cause a lot of pressure as well It can be the cause of osteoarthritis as well.

Guidelines for a healthy knee
To reduce the risk of developing osteoarthritis Should maintain a balanced body weight. And exercise regularly Builds strong muscle mass to help you move around. And reduce the pressure from excessive body weight

However, choosing the right exercise method Is another important factor Water exercise It is another interesting option. For those who already have arthritic or degenerative problems Including those who want to exercise but fear problems with shocks Because the water will help support the body and reduce the impact well It helps to build muscles as well.